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Recent Books-Journals

Health Behavior and Health Education 4th edition

Edisi ke 4 dari Buku Health Behavior and Health Education menawarkan sebuah analisis yang mendalam, menyeluruh dan dapat diakses secara mudah tentang teori dan praktik perilaku kesehatan yang paling terkait dan relevan dengan pendidikan kesehatan.
Buku ini mencakup informasi terbaru terkait teori, penelitian dan praktik di level individu, interpersonal dan komunitas serta kelompok. Volume ke empat ini juga mencakup konten baru yang substansial , baik pada kondisi saat ini ataupun yang akan datang, terkait teori komunikasi kesehatan, e-health, keberagaman budaya masyarakat, promosi kesehatan, dampak dari stress, pentingnya peran jejaring dan masyarakat, pemasaran sosial dan evaluasinya.


The fourth edition of the landmark book, "Health Behavior and Health Education," offers an accessible, comprehensive, in-depth analysis of the health behavior theories and practices that are most relevant to health education. 

This thoroughly revised edition includes the most current information on theory, research, and practice at individual, interpersonal, and community and group levels. 

The volume includes substantial new content on current and emerging theories of health communication, e-health, culturally diverse communities, health promotion, the impact of stress, the importance of networks and community, social marketing, and evaluation.

Praise for the Fourth Edition of "Health Behavior and Health Education" 


Disaster and Mental Health

This title provides a comprehensive overview of clinical, epidemiological, psychobiological, psychosocial and service organization aspects of disaster psychiatry.  It takes a practical approach and includes a series of reports on significant experiences made in this field in various regions of the world.


Asian Perspectives and Evidence on Health Promotion and Education


Globalization and information technology have caused many health problems: mental health issues like depression, and lifestyle-related disease like diabetes and obesity. To cope with these health issues, health promotion and education are desperately needed. Convincing policy decision makers to invest in health promotion and education programs, it is needed to show its effectiveness. Health promotion and education professionals are expected to construct evidence of health promotion and education. Most of such evidence has been produced in the US and European countries. Because socio-economic conditions differ between the Asia and Western countries, we cannot depend on such evidence to implement adequate health promotion and education in our region. We must produce and accumulate our own evidence based on Asian perspectives.

Table of Contents

Part I 
Asian Ideas and Activities on Health Promotion and Education
Asian Ideas on Health Promotion and Education from Historical Perspectives of the Theory of Yojo as an Interface of Health, Self, and Society Toshiyuki Takizawa 3
Developing the Curriculum and Instruction Model for Suicide Prevention and Life Education in Taiwan Ya-Wen Huang Po-San Wang Chia-Chia Lin 13
The Yogo Teacher, the Health Room, and Health Education at School in Japan Kanako Okada 21
New Strategy on Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Lifestyle-Related Diseases Focusing on Metabolic Syndrome in Japan Shunsaku Mizushima Kazuyo Tsushita 31
Sensory Awakening as a New Approach to Health Promotion Masaki Moriyama 40
Health Promotion and Education in Thailand in Comparison with the Japanese Health Care System and Health Informatics Masami Matsuda Khanitta Nuntaboot Katsumasa Ota Shoichiro Hara 50
Development of a Robot-Assisted Activity Program for Elderly People Incorporating Reading Aloud and Arithmetic Calculation Yukio Oida Masayoshi Kanoh Masashi Inagaki Yoko Konagaya Kenji Kimura 67
Health Promotion for Cancer Survivors: New Paradigm Beyond Prevention and Treatment Miyako Takahashi 78
Alternative Medicine and Health Promotion Shinko Ichinohe 87

Part II 
Asian Perspectives on Health Promotion and Education
Key Players in Health Promotion Policy in the Northern Part of the Western Pacific Toshitaka Nakahara 101
Community-Based Participatory Research: A Promising Approach to Address Social Determinants of Health Seunghyun Yoo 106
Toward Development of Intervention Methods for Strengthening the Sense of Coherence: Suggestions from Japan Yoshihiko Yamazaki Taisuke Togari Junko Sakano 118
Social Capital and Population Approach Toshiyuki Ojima 133
Health Promotion and Healthy City Projects in Korea Eun Woo Nam 141
A Network of Healthy Cities in Asia and the Pacific: The Alliance for Healthy Cities Keiko Nakamura 155
Empowerment in Health and Community Settings Tokie Anme Mary E. McCall 162
Health Communication Yoshiharu Fukuda Ryoko Ebina 173
Cost-Benefit of Health Promotion: Will It Pay Off? Japan's Venture Against Metabolic Syndrome Etsuji Okamoto 182

Part III
Asian Activities and Evidence on Health Promotion and Education in Terms of Settings
Health Promotion Activity and Outcomes in the Community Tanji Hoshi Kumiko Fukumoto Naoko Nakayama Chika Takagi 199
Japan's Current Health Issues and Health Promotion in the Community Setting: Focus on Public Health Nurses' Activities Mikako Arakida 207
Outcomes of Lifestyle Improvement Programs in the Last Ten Years in Asia Yasuo Haruyama 214
Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan: Present Status and Future Perspectives Song-Yuan Huang 223
Workplace Health Promotion in Korea Kang Sook Lee 241
Characteristics of Workplace Health Promotion in Japan Takashi Muto 253
Tokyo Gas Health Promotion Program Susumu S. Sawada 261

Part IV
Asian Activities and Evidence on Health Promotion and Education in Terms of Lifestyles
Evidence of Physical Activity for Disease Control and Health Promotion Takashi Arao 275
Using Computer-Tailored Technology to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Eating: A Review of the Literature and Asian-Pacific Evidence Yukio Yamaguchi Hideaki Nanba Noriko Takeda 287
Dietary Lifestyle Interventions of Energy Restriction for W8 Control and Salt Reduction for Prevention of Hypertensive Risk in Asian Adults Hiroko Fujii 307
Building Capacity in Smoking Cessation Counseling Among Health Care Professionals in China Sophia S.C. Chan Doris Y.P. Leung Chaoqiang Jiang Li Yang Lie-zhen Deng Tai-hing Lam 317
Issues of Korean Alcohol Policy Perspectives Sungsoo Chun Michael E. Welch Mary Shin 326

Part V
Asian Activities and Evidence on Health Promotion and Education in Terms of Disease
Current Status and Prevention of Obesity Yumi Matsushita 343
Waist-to-H8 Ratio Is the Best Anthropometric Index for Screening the Risk of Obesity-Related Disorders Shiun Dong Hsieh Takashi Muto 358
Health Promotion and Education Based on the Features of Cardiovascular Disease in Asia Toshimi Sairenchi 366
Prevention and Psychological Intervention in Depression and Stress-Related Conditions Mutsuhiro Nakao Takeaki Takeuchi Peisen He Hirono Ishikawa Hiroaki Kumano 374
Principles and Activities of Oral Health Promotion in Asian Countries Masayuki Ueno Yoko Kawaguchi 389
New Development in Education to Prevent Sexual Transmitted Infections, Especially HIV/AIDS: Actual Practice of Sexuality Health Education by Means of Peer Counseling Approach Hisako Takamura 404
School-Based Safety Promotion in Japan Nobuki Nishioka 416
"Safe Community" in Asia: Safety Promotion Based on Injury Prevention Yoko Shiraishi 426
Index 437


Handbook of Epidemiology

The Handbook of Epidemiology provides a comprehensive overview of the field and thus bridges the gap between standard textbooks of epidemiology and dispersed publications for specialists that have a narrowed focus on specific areas. It reviews the key issues and methodological approaches pertinent to the field for which the reader pursues an expatiated overview. It thus serves both as a first orientation for the interested reader and as a starting point for an in-depth study of a specific area as well as a quick reference and recapitulatory overview for the expert. The book includes topics that are usually missing in standard textbooks and that are only marginally represented in the specific literature as well as innovative areas, e.g. molecular epidemiology, ethical aspects, practical field work, health systems research, quality control, and good epidemiological practice. Each chapter is written by one or more leading scientists and represents the state-of-the-art knowledge.

The objective of this book is to provide a comprehensive overview of the field of epidemiology, bridging the gap between standard textbooks of epidemiology and publications for specialists with a narrow focus on specific areas. It reviews the key issues, methodological approaches and statistical concepts pertinent to the field for which the reader seeks a detailed overview. It thus serves both as a first orientation for the interested reader and a starting point for an in-depth study of a specific area, as well as a quick reference and a summarizing overview for the expert.
The handbook is intended as a reference source for professionals involved in health research, health reporting, health promotion, and health system administration and related experts. It covers the major aspects of epidemiology and may be consulted as a thorough guide for specific topics. It is therefore of interest for public health researchers, physicians, biostatisticians, epidemiologists, and executives in health services.
The broad scope of the book is reflected by four major parts that facilitate an integration of epidemiological concepts and methods, statistical tools, applications, and epidemiological practice. The various facets are presented in 39 chapters and a general introduction to epidemiology. The latter provides the framework in which all other chapters are embedded and gives an overall picture of the whole handbook. It also highlights specific aspects and reveals the interwoven nature of the various research fields and disciplines related to epidemiology. The book covers topics that are usually missing from standard textbooks and that are only marginally represented in the specific literature, such as ethical aspects, practical fieldwork, health services research, epidemiology in developing countries, quality control, and good epidemiological practice. It also covers innovative areas, e.g.,molecular and genetic epidemiology, modern study designs, and recent methodological developments.



Handbook of Industrial Toxicology and Hazardous Materials

This handbook has been compiled to assist industry managers and safety professionals working with or who have the responsibility for safety issues involving the handling of commercial chemicals.



Children's Health And the Environment : Developing Action Plan


VITAMINS Their Role in Human Body

The thirteen vitamins that are essential for an adequate human diet are staggeringly diverse in their structures, chemical properties and functions, but they have, by and large, all arrived at a similar juncture in their evolving recognition and understanding. Fifty to a hundred years ago, the main research emphasis was on isolation, structural determination, basic biochemical properties and functional significance.

This book has drawn together much of the scientifi c information about vitamin function that is scattered throughout the literature

Spesifikasi :
Author : G.F.M Ball
Publisher : Blackwell Publishing
Pages : 448
ISBN number : 0-632-06478-1


Promoting Health. Politics and Practice

Buku ini membahas tentang bagaimana memperbaiki status kesehatan, walaupun sekilas tidak tersirat dalam halaman muka. Tidak seperti buku lainya yang membahas  promosi kesehatan, penulis berangkat dari keyakinan bahwa keehatan dan kesakitan secara utama bukanlah hasil dari pilihan individu ataupun faktor genetik, tetapi merupakan dampak dari struktur sosial dan kepentingan ekonomi yang berada disekitar kita.

Penulis juga mengajak lebih dekat untuk melihat bahwa kesehatan individu sangat dekat  sekali hubungannya dengan kesehatan semua orang. Bagi penulis, mempromosikan kesehatan masyarakat jauh melebihi dari sekedar medorong orang untuk berperilaku sehat, meningkatkan layanan kesehatan atau membangun kemitraan berwawasan kesehatan, walaupun hal tersebut juga sangatlah penting.

Pada dasarnya, penulis yakin bahwa untuk memuluskan pekerjaan menyehatkan semua orang haruslah melibatkan masyarakat dalam mendorong perubahan sosial yang akan menuntun kepada sebuah cara hidup yang berkesinambungan, setara dan berkeadilan sosial


This book is about improving people’s health, though that might not appear obvious from the Contents pages. Unlike many books on promoting health, we start from the belief that health and illness are not primarily the result of individual choices or a genetic lottery, but of the social structures and economic interests which surround us.

We also take the view that the health of each of us is intimately related to the health of all of us. Promoting public health, for us, therefore goes beyond encouraging ‘healthy lifestyles’, improving health care services or developing ‘healthy partnerships’ between different organizations, important though these may be.

Fundamentally, we believe that the job of securing health for all must involve us in encouraging social changes which lead us to ways of living which are sustainable, equitable and socially justice.

Spesifikasi :
Author : Lee Adams, Mary Amos, James Munro (editors)
Publisher : SAGE Publications
Pages : 225
ISBN number : 0 7619 6833 4 - 0 7619 6834 2


Handbook of Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Treatment, Volume II

Presenting effective, practicable strategies modeled from ultramodern technologies and framed by the critical insights of 78 field experts, this vastly expanded Second Edition offers 32 chapters of industry- and waste-specific analyses and treatment methods for industrial and hazardous waste materials-from explosive wastes to landfill leachate to wastes produced by the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Key additional chapters cover means of monitoring waste on site, pollution prevention, and site remediation.

Including a timely evaluation of the role of biotechnology in contemporary industrial waste management, the Handbook reveals sound approaches and sophisticated technologies for treating
  • textile, rubber, and timber wastes
  • dairy, meat, and seafood industry wastes
  • bakery and soft drink wastes
  • palm and olive oil wastes
  • pesticide and livestock wastes
  • pulp and paper wastes
  • phosphate wastes
  • detergent wastes
  • photographic wastes
  • refinery and metal plating wastes
  • power industry wastes

    This state-of-the-art Second Edition is required reading for pollution control, environmental, chemical, civil, sanitary, and industrial engineers; environmental scientists; regulatory health officials; and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines.


    Principles of Human Nutrition

    This book looks at nutrition as an exciting discipline that draws on all branches of biology. Nutrition is both an art and a science: it observes, measures and tries to explain the constantly changing process of the optimal mix of chemicals necessary for the functioning of an individual at all stages of life.

    Spesifikasi :
    Author : Martin Eastwood
    Publisher : Blackwell Publishing Company
    Pages : 688
    ISBN number : 0-632-05811-0


    Panduan Masyarakat untuk Kesehatan Lingkungan

    E-Book Panduan Masyarakat untuk Kesehatan Lingkungan ini merupakan versi terjemahan dari buku berjudul “A Community Guide to Environmental Health” oleh Jeff Conant dan Pam Fadem yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan Hesperian, yang juga merupakan penerbit dari buku terkenal Where There Is No Doctor. E-book ini hadir untuk mengajak kita merubah cara kita memelihara kesehatan dan melindungi sumberdaya alam. E-book ini dapat menjadi pedoman yang baik bagi para pekerja kesehatan, aktivis masyarakat, guru, para profesional, dan siapa saja yang mempunyai perhatian pada usaha memperbaiki kesehatannya sendiri dan kesehatan lingkungannya, di pedesaan maupun kota-kota besar.


    source and tribute for

    Let's Speak Out for MDGs in Indonesia

    Sebuah buku berbahasa Inggris tentang bagaimana situasi Indonesia menghadapi mimpi meraih MDGs dan strategi apa yang mungkin diterapkan. Ditulis oleh Peter Stalker seorang konsultan UNDP dan direview oleh tim konsultan yang ditunjuk Pemerintah Indonesia. Buku ini diharapkan bisa menjadi salah satu pegangan dalam advokasi percepatan pencapaian MDGs di Indonesia.


    Handbookfor Clinical Management of Dengue

    This handbook has been produced to help health-care practitioners at all levels manage dengue. Aspects of managing severe cases of dengue are also described for practitioners at higher levels of health care. Additional and more specific guidance on the various areas related to clinical management of dengue (from other sources in WHO and elsewhere) are cited in the reference sections. This handbook is not intended to replace national treatment training materials and guidelines, but it aims to assist in the development of such materials produced at a local, national or regional level. 

    Publication details 
    Number of pages: 124
    Publication date: 2012
    Languages: English
    ISBN: 978 92 4 150471 3


    Making Health Policy (versi terjemahan)

    Buku ini memberikan pendahuluan yang lengkap untuk  mempelajari kekuasaan dan proses dalam kebijakan kesehatan. Buku  lain yang banyak tersedia berhubungan dengan isi kebijakan  kesehatan –apa arti kebijakan itu. Buku ini menggunakan ilmu kedokteran, epidemiologi, teori organisasi atau ilmu ekonomi untuk memberi bukti, atau evaluasi kebijakan kesehatan. Berbagai kelompok dokter, ahli epidemiologi, ahli ekonomi kesehatan dan ahli teori  organisasi mengembangkan secara teknis jalan keluar yang masuk akal atas masalah-masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Namun, mengejutkan bahwa ternyata hanya ada sedikit bacaan bagi praktisi  kesehatan masyarakat yang berusaha memahami bagaimana isu-isu  yang dapat masuk ke dalam agenda kebijakan (dan bagaimana  merumuskan isu-isu ini agar dapat diterima dengan baik), bagaimana  para penyusun kebijakan mengolah bukti (dan bagaimana membangun  hubungan yang lebih baik diantara pengambil keputusan), dan  mengapa sejumlah inisiatif kebijakan dilaksanakan sedang yang lain  tidak. Dimensi -dimensi politik dalam proses kebijakan kesehatan jarang sekali diajarkan di fakultas kedokteran atau kesehatan masyarakat.

    Applied Statistics in Occupational Safety and Health

    Applied Statistics in Occupational Safety and Health provides occupational safety and health professionals with an introductory guide to basic statistics and data analysis. Created for those who have little experience with statistics or those who need to keep a concise reference book at hand, this simplified guide uses examples and applications common to safety professionals including safety managers, safety engineers, loss control consultants, and occupational health nurses to simplify the process of data analysis.


    Social Determinants Approaches to Public Health: From concept to Practice

    The thirteen case studies contained in this publication were commissioned by the research node of the Knowledge Network on Priority Public Health Conditions (PPHC-KN), a WHO-based interdepartmental working group associated with the WHO Commission on Social  Determinants of Health. The publication is a joint product of the Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade and Human Rights (ETH), Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training  in Human Reproduction (HRP), and Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR). The case studies describe a wealth of  experiences with implementing public health programmes that intend to address social determinants and to have a great impact on  health equity. They also document the real-life challenges in implementing such programmes, including those in scaling up, managing policy changes, managing intersectoral processes, adjusting design and ensuring sustainability.

    Editor : Erik Blas, Johannes Sommerfeld and Anand Sivasankara Kurup
    Tahun : 2011
    Penerbit : WHO


    Maternal and Child Health: Global Challenges, Programs, and Policies

    Our current era of globalization, war, and socioeconomic unrest has revealed public health as a worldwide concern and a major frontier for social justice with maternal and child health at its epicenter. Yet, there has been a relative scarcity of training resources specifically dedicated to this crucial area. "Maternal and Child Health: Global Challenges, Programs, and Policies" addresses this gap in current knowledge by analyzing the range of socioeconomic and environmental factors, health care disparities, politics, policies, and cultural practices that impact the health and safety of mothers, as well as the well-being and optimum development of their children.

    Individual sections focus on unequal distribution of the world’s resources, politics and power, specific disease concerns, programs, policies and emerging concerns with a focus on what is currently being done, and what needs to be done to improve the health status of women, children, and adolescents. The book’s contributors are some of the world’s most respected experts, carefully selected to represent different global geographic regions and diverse professional disciplines related to maternal and child health from both academic and field practice perspectives.

    Among the topics in this authoritative volume: The impact of war, globalization, gender inequity, and harmful traditional practices (e.g., female genital mutilation). Specific health concerns, including tuberculosis, malaria, HIV, and malnutrition. Child and adolescent health issues, from abuse and neglect to children in difficult circumstances. Pregnancy-related issues: safety, abortion and post-abortion care, teen pregnancy, and more. Strategies for planning, developing, and maintaining maternal and child health systems in developing countries. The status of global initiatives, such as Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses and the Millennium Development Goals. The status of evidence-based maternal and child health in the developing world.

    With such a wealth of information on both practical and conceptual levels, "Maternal and Child Health: Global Challenges, Programs, and Policies" is as relevant to students and researchers in the field as it is to policy makers and those working for global health and development organizations. It also makes an excellent stand-alone text for courses in global health in general and global maternal and child health in particular. 

    Biostatistics for Epidemiologists

    Biostatistics for Epidemiologists is a unique book that provides a collection of methods that can be used to analyze data in most epidemiological studies. It examines the theoretical background of the methods described and discusses general principles that apply to the analysis of epidemiological data. Specific topics addressed include statistical interference in epidemiological research, important methods used for analyzing epidemiological data, multivariate models, dose-response analysis, analysis of the interaction between causes of disease, meta-analysis, and computer programs. Biostatistics for Epidemiologists will be a useful guide for all epidemiologists and public health professionals who rely on biostatistical data in their work.


    Introduction. Probability Theory. Statistical Inference. The P-Value, the P-Value Function and the Confidence Interval. Some Common Methods: Descriptive Epidemiologic Measures. Measures of Effect for Crude Analysis. Measures of Effect in Stratified Analysis. Miscellaneous: Multivariate Methods. Analysis of Effect Modification and Synergism. Several Exposure Levels. Meta Analysis. Computer Programmes. References. Appendices. Index.


    Environmental Health: Third Edition

    Environmental Health has established itself as the most succinct and comprehensive textbook on the subject. This extensively revised and rewritten third edition continues this tradition by incorporating new developments and by adding timely coverage of topics such as environmental economics and terrorism.

    As in previous volumes, the new edition presents balanced assessments of environmental problems, examining their local and global implications, their short- and long-range impacts, and their importance in both developed and less developed countries of the world. The Third Edition also addresses emerging issues such as environmental justice, deforestation, the protection of endangered species, multiple chemical sensitivity, and the application of the threshold concept in evaluating the effects of toxic and radioactive materials.

    Whether discussing acid rain, ozone depletion, global warming, or more traditional subjects such as the management and control of air, water, and food, Dade Moeller emphasizes the need for a systems approach. As with previous volumes, Environmental Health, Third Edition, offers a depth of understanding that is without peer. While it covers technical details, it is also a book that anyone with an interest in the environment can pick up and browse at random. 


    Environmental health policy occupies a prominent position on both local and global agendas as old and new challenges confront the human race. There is a continual requirement for policies which will deal effectively with a seemingly never-ending supply of hazards which impinge on health and wellbeing. This book provides a multidisciplinary window onto environmental policy and its formulation. From this you will observe both order which exists at the centre, and controversies around the borders.

    This book considers:.
    • Key threats to human health from the physical environment.
    • Policies that might be pursued to minimise those risks.
    • How risks can be identified and quantified.
    • How such information can be communicated to the public.
    • How health impact assessments can be carried out.
    • How risks can be managed and regulated.



    Community Health Advocacy

    Health professionals are often confronted with situations that demand change including, for instance, a community's or population's inability to access adequate health care, or the need for a disease-specific prevention program where one does not exist, or a lack of understanding on the part of legislators as to the economic and noneconomic impacts of a particular disease or condition. In each such instance, advocacy may be required to move beyond the status quo. The form that the advocacy efforts take, however, may necessarily depend upon the specific issue at hand and the context in which the situation has arisen. This text provides a foundation for the initiation of advocacy efforts and for the evaluation of their success. 


    Health and Safety in Brief, 4th edition

    A reference of health  and safety legislation for managers and a study aid for students

    Under UK legislation it’s mandatory for businesses with 5 or more employees to have a health and safety policy and a member of staff dedicated to these issues. This concise guide clearly explains how to adhere to the policy in practical terms. Its bulleted format makes it ideal as a quick reference for managers as well as a study aid for students.

    The Contents :
    Part 1 Law: Legal processes; Health and safety laws.  
    Part 2 Management: Management responsibilities; Human resources; Workplace safety; Information and advice; Accidents.  
    Part 3 Occupational health: The body; Health at work; Health protection.
    Part 4 Safety technology: Chemicals; Noise and hearing protection; Work equipment; Construction; Manual handling; Mechanical handling; Safe use of electricity; Fire; Environment. Abbreviations; List of statutes; Index.


    Memahami Ilmu Ekonomi Dalam Manajemen Rumah Sakit

    Aplikasi ekonomi dalam manajemen rumah sakit merupakan  suatu topik menarik untuk dibahas. Buku ini bertujuan membahas  berbagai aspek aplikasi ekonomi, khususnya ekonomi mikro dalam  manajemen rumah sakit.

    Editor : Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, M.Sc, Ph.D
    Tahun : 2004
    Penerbit : Gadjah Mada University Press



    An Introduction to Public Health and Epidemiology 2nd Edition

    The contents are not specifically nursing orientated but very neatly balanced to be of relevance to all working in the public health arena. The book is well written, the language is clear, and the concepts clearly and simply explained and easily understood

    Journal of Biosocial Science
    • What are epidemiology and public health?
    • What is the nature of public health evidence and knowledge?
    • What strategies can be used to protect and improve health?

    The second edition of this bestselling book provides a multi-professional introduction to the key concepts in public health and epidemiology. It presents a broad, interactive account of contemporary public health, placing an emphasis on developing public health skills and stimulating the reader to think through the issues for themselves.

    The new edition features additional material on:
    • Historical perspectives
    • Public health skills for practice
    • Evaluation of public health interventions
    • The nature of evidence and public health knowledge
    • Translating policy and evidence into practice

    An Introduction to Public Health and Epidemiology is key reading for students of public health and healthcare professionals, including: nurses, doctors, community development workers and public health workers.

    Author : Susan Carr, Nigel Unwin, Tanja Pless-Mulloli
    Publisher: Open University Press
    ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0335216242
    ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780335216246


    Aspek Strategis Manajemen Rumah Sakit

    Buku ini bertujuan untuk membahas berbagai aspek strategis rumah sakit dalam konteks perubahan lingkungan. Dalam buku ini pemahaman dasar mengenai pengembangan rumah sakit dalam lingkungan dinamis dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan manajemen strategis. Mengapa  menggunakan pendekatan ini? Manajemen strategis  merupakan suatu filosofi, cara berpikir dan mengelola  organisasi. Manajemen strategis tidak terbatas pada  bagaimana mengelola pelaksanaan kegiatan di dalam  organisasi tetapi juga bagaimana mengembangkan sikap baru  organisasi karena munculnya perubahan eksternal (Duncan dkk., 1995).

    Editor : Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, M.Sc, Ph.D
    Tahun : 2005
    Penerbit : Andi Offset

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    Handbook of Nutrition and Food (2nd Edition)

    "...the reader can find information about a food additive, tagatose, transfatty acids, vitamin terminology, or tocopherol and tocotrienol content of selected foods. In this first division of the book, the reader will also find several tables on food additives, food contaminants, and toxins..."


    Health Promotion Theory

    Kondisi promosi kesehatan masih jauh dari sempurna. Kecuali para praktisi kesehatan masyarakat mengeksplorasi dan memahami teori yang mendasari promosi kesehatan, hampir pasti akan timbul risiko nyata  akibat membangun intervensi tidak efektif dan yang paling buruk, pertentangan dan bahkan merugikan orang yang seharusnya anda bantu.
    Buku ini akan memandu Anda melalui dasar-dasar filosofis, metodologis, teoritis, etika dan politik promosi kesehatan untuk memungkinkan Anda untuk menjadi praktisi yang lebih efektif. Meskipun buku ini membahas berbagai aspek, Buku ini difokuskan untuk membantu anda dalam menerapkan ide-ide dan konsep untuk implementasi praktis. Untuk menggambarkan praktik yang baik dan memberikan bukti yang berhasil, contoh-contoh yang diambil dari beberapa negara, yang mewakili latar belakang budaya yang berbeda.


    Health promotion is far from straightforward. Unless public health practitioners explore and understand the theory underpinning health promotion, there is a real risk of, at best, establishing ineffective interventions and, at worst, antagonising and even harming the very people you are seeking to help.
    This book will guide you through the philosophical, methodological, theoretical, ethical and political underpinnings of health promotion to enable you to be a more effective practitioner. Although the book explores these various aspects, it is focused on assisting you in applying the ideas and concepts to practical implementation. To illustrate good practice and provide evidence of what works, examples are drawn from several countries, representing different cultural backgrounds.



    Pelaksanaan Desentralisasi Kesehatan di Indonesia

    Buku ini bertujuan untuk menggugah perhatian tentang situasi yang dihadapi sektor kesehatan dan masa depannya dalam konteks desentralisasi. Data yang dipergunakan berasal dari berbagai penelitian dan sumber data. Ada kemungkinan ketidaktepatan data dapat ditemui dalam buku ini, namun ketepatan data sudah diusahakan dengan berusaha sejauh mungkin melakukan cross-check. Diharapkan buku ini dapat dipergunakan oleh para stakeholder sektor kesehatan di Indonesia, pengambil kebijakan di pemerintah pusat, propinsi, dan kabupaten, anggota parlemen pusat dan daerah, staf lembaga donor internasional, konsultan, peneliti dan dosen, wartawan, dan tentunya para pemimpin dan calon pemimpin sektor kesehatan yang berada di bangku kuliah pascasarjana atau sarjana.

    Editor : Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, M.Sc, Ph.D
    Tahun : 2009
    Penerbit : BPFE Yogyakarta

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